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The Madras High Court during its hearing on Monday came heavily on the Election Commission of India.

While hearing a case, Madras High Court Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee slams Election Commission of India for not stopping political parties from holding election rallies.

Your officers should be booked on murder charges probably.

He said that the Election Commission is solely responsible for the mess created by the second Covid wave.

The chief Justice went to the extent of saying that “Your officers should be booked on murder charges probably”.

“Were you on another planet when the election rallies were held?”,

He observed that the EC failed to enforce the strict Covid protocol of social distancing, use of sanitizers, use of Face mask despite court orders.

“Were you on another planet when the election rallies were held?”, asked the Madras High Court.

Public health is of paramount importance

The Chief Justice further added that “Public health is of paramount importance and it is distressing that constitutional authorities have to be reminded in such regard.

It is only when a citizen survives that he’ll be able to enjoy the rights that a democratic republic guarantees”, 

Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy

It is only when a citizen survives that he’ll be able to enjoy the rights that a democratic republic guarantees”,

These observation were made by the Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy on a public interest writ, seeking for a direction to authorities to ensure fair counting of votes on 2 May in Karur by taking effective steps and proper arrangements with Covid-19 protocols.

It may affect observance of the protocols,?

The petitioner alleged that since as many as 77 candidates are contesting in the Karur constituency, it would be very difficult to accommodate their agents in the counting hall. It may affect observance of the protocols,

The bench, also comprising Justice Senthilkumar Ramamoorthy, directed the Election Commission of India and the Tamil Nadu Chief Electoral Officer to hold consultations with the Health Secretary and come up with a plan on following COVID-19 protocol on the counting day.

“The matter will appear on April 30 to review the situation when a complete picture as to adequate steps having been taken will be clear”, the bench said in the order.

The bench directed that the blueprint must be placed on record before it on April 30.”

The bench directed that the blueprint must be placed on record before it on April 30. Election results to the five assemblies of Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu , Kerala and Pondicherry is slated to be announced on 02th May 2021.

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