
Top 5 Career Options After LOCKDOWN | Best Post-Pandemic Jobs in India

Top 5 Career Options After LOCKDOWN

COVID-19 pandemic has left a lot of people without jobs, many companies have stopped paying their employees citing the lack of cash flow and rest are getting a pay-cut. Top 5 Career Options After LOCKDOWN is discussed below.

But there are some jobs that have been NOT been affected at all during this pandemic. In fact, some careers have just gotten better.

Top 5 Career Options After LOCKDOWN  are listed below.

Mobile Developer

It is a known fact that almost all recruiters pick up graduates from IT background for this types of openings. The good news is, irrespective of your background, you can become an Mobile developer. Now, what do Mobile Developers do? As the name suggests, they create apps for mobile phones.

To learn mobile development, you must have Technical Skills and Soft Skills.

All the known companies like GooglePay, Zomato or Swiggy etc is thriving only due to its app functions. There is no denying that mobile applications are here to stay. So why not learn it to make some money? To learn mobile development, you must have Technical Skills and Soft Skills. For Technical Skills, start learning Flutter. There is a free Flutter course on the official Flutter website,

To improve your coding skills, pick up a personal project

It covers everything from installation to deployment. So if you want to become an Android app developer, this is the best place to start. The second skill you must have is Soft Skills. In software field, technology is the easiest part. What’s difficult… is communication. This is a meme that is famous in the software field.

It basically represents how often, what clients ask and what Software teams deliver are completely different. So, it’s important you learn how to communicate with both your clients and your colleagues effectively.

To earn money from your newly learnt skill, reach out to your network


Now, while you are acquiring these skills, here are a few things you can do to make a career out of it.

1) To improve your coding skills, pick up a personal project. Like an app that is as simple as a countdown timer or that plays your favourite song as an alarm. Next, to earn money from your newly learnt skill, reach out to your network. I’m sure you have at least one friend in your circle who is building a start-up. Offer to create an app for them.

And finally, use all this experience to apply to your dream company or start-up, who will welcome you with open arms. Because, thanks to COVID, all companies have realised that it is better to be an app on their user’s phone than to be on a billboard. So, learn how to code.

And a UI/UX designer is responsible for it. UI means User Interface.

UI/UX Designer

These days, it’s all about the user experience. And a UI/UX designer is responsible for it. UI means User Interface. What button goes where, what features get listed, what is center-aligned, font, colors, cross-platform compatibility on phone or laptop. Basically, they deal with looks.

A UX designer on the other hand focuses on user experience. How users react to the product, how things work ? Now, the tools you need to learn for this job are Adobe XD or Figma It helps to know languages like HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript. And skills like.. User Research and Customer Analysis.

They bring our attention to designs around us that we often miss to notice. And that’s the point. A good design should just blend with our existing world. If a user needs to open a manual to operate a product or run an app.. then the UX designer of that team has failed. And that’s how important is this career.

Now, while you are learning these tools, here is what you can do to get your foot in the door. Put all of this work of yours on ‘Dribble’. Having a portfolio is important because people want to check out your work first, before they give you a job. After that, list yourself on Fiverr or TapChief. These tiny projects help you build a portfolio that you can later use to apply to better jobs.

During the lockdown, a lot of 40-50 year old’s have been trying to go digital. But remember, these are people who don’t like technology and that might be because of Bad UI/UX. But if you become a UI/UX designer, then you have the opportunity to make their transition to technology better. And that’s what makes this profession so cool.

Digital Marketing Specialist

According to the World Economic Forum… by 2030, about 40% of all purchases will be online. A process that the lockdown, would only accelerate.. And that’s where Digital Marketing Specialists come in. In simple terms, a Digital Marketing Specialist promotes and sells a product using various digital channels, like Email Marketing, Company Website, Blogs, Social Media Ads, Search Engine Optimisation.

A few skills to have in your bag to become a Digital Marketing Specialist are Knowing Google Analytics, FB analytics, Instagram Analytics to understand your audience. Improving Search Engine Ranking (through SEO and SEM). Understanding how engaging content is created, through content Marketing. Making amazing videos that talk about a brand. And of course, how to engage with your audience regularly.

Netflix India Instagram page does a brilliant job at this. Because they keep asking their audience questions, create memes and post snippets from their shows. All this engagement generates excitement for shows that are going to release. And all of this directly leads to sales.

Now, what to do after you have learnt these skills? See, Covid-19 has made people forcefully shift to digital transactions. But this digital shift is not so easy for businesses. So, as a new Digital Marketing Specialist, you can first help your local businesses get online.

Start with the businesses you know or use. A lot of professionals who are well-settled want to make drastic shifts in their careers to photography or Travel or Fitness and follow their heart. So, help them build an online presence.

Data Scientist

Data Scientists are people who understand trends. All this time that you are spending online.. somebody is collecting that data from your smart phones, social media posts, even emails. They take all this unstructured data, make sense of it… and store it. So that other people like Digital Marketing Specialists, UI/UX designer, App Developers can use that data to ‘improve’ customer experience. Some skills you need to learn to become a Data Scientist are..

If you are already a programmer, Data Science is one of those skills that you can add to your resume to increase your salary. And because now, we are more online than offline, companies have so much data… and they are looking for skilled data scientists to make sense of it. Be it Amazon, Netflix, Apple or Google.. So learn and start applying.

Remember, pandemic or not… businesses will always run. And because of COVID-19, working remotely has become a trend.. which means some high-paying jobs from around the world, might shift to India. The question is.. will you be prepared for it? The only way to ‘Power Ahead’ in life, is to keep learning. And one of the ways you can learn, is through Great Learning.

Educational Content Writer

Basically, our attention span is less than 10 seconds. And it takes immense hard work to write an educational script. So, the job of an Educational Content Writer is to make complicated topics simple and interesting And the only way to learn it, is by practice. Skills you must get under your belt to become an Educational content writer are…

The problem with today’s companies is that they give you a job only when you have experience. But to get experience you need a job.The only way to break this deadlock is to work for your friends and family. No matter the profession you pick, broadcast in every whatsapp group that you are ready to work for free. Everybody needs skills that we have discussed today…

And when you are a fresher, it’s okay to work for free. Somebody trusting you enough to give you some work, itself is an opportunity. Your job is to learn from these opportunities and build a portfolio that you can later use to charge people money.


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