
BJP-ruled MCD has demolished Kargil Society shops at Dwarka

BJP-ruled MCD has demolished Kargil Society shops at Dwarka

Aam Aadmi Party leader Captain Shalini Singh on Saturday said that the BJP-ruled MCD has demolished the shops of essential items at Kargil Society Dwarka where families of retired & late army officers stay, without any prior notice or consultation.

She said that BJP-ruled MCD officials have misbehaved with the residents when they raised questions over demolition; BJP’s local councillor has gone incommunicado.

Capt Singh said that the families of late army officers demand immediate restoration of demolished shops and stringent action against the officials who were involved in this act.

Influencers have been forcing families of martyrs to leave the place

In Kargil society people with connections with influencers have been forcing families of martyrs to leave the place: Anju Rawat

Mrs Anju Rawat, the wife of Shaurya Chakra-awarded martyr Major Deepak Rawat, said, “We live in Kargil Society of Dwarka, which was given to the relatives of the martyrs by the late Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 2003.

Our relatives had lost their lives for this country.

The government promised us all the daily facilities. At that time we saw a ray of hope that our country is with us. Our relatives had lost their lives for this country.

But today after 17 years how we are facing harassment every day.

They forced us to sell our houses in very lower price.

She said, ‘There are 414 flats in Kargil Society in which NCOs, JCOs, ORs and family members live. We have been living there for 17 years, but now gradually one by one the families of the martyrs are being forced to leave that society. They forced us to sell our houses in very lower price.

Those people forced us to sell our houses.


The biggest example of this is me. I had to leave that society in 2018. Now a lot of powerful people have come and settled in Kargil Society, they have connections with influencers.

Those people forced us to sell our houses. If we raise our voice against any wrong activity happening there, we are implicated in wrong cases.”

BJP has taken away our daily needs from us.

Mrs Rawat said, ” A very sad incident happened to us yesterday. The BJP has taken away our daily needs from us. We are being forced to leave the society because they have demolished the shops from where we get our daily essentials.

If anyone raises a voice against the powerful people living there, they are implicated in wrong cases.

First, we were targeted, fingers were raised on our character, then they targeted our children. An attempt was also made to kidnap my daughter, I lodged a complaint with the police about this but no action was taken.

She said, ” An attempt was made to file a case against me and the wife of another martyr under the SC-ST Act. They were monitoring daily movement on my daughter. In the end, I had to leave that society.

I had to leave for my daughter’s future. Similar incidents are also happening with the families of other martyrs.

We are not asking for any money from the central government, we are just demanding shops for daily necessities. I thank the Aam Aadmi Party for listening to us and supporting us.”

Bharatiya Janata Party ruled MCD officials entered our society and tried to demolish those shops.

BJP-ruled MCD officials have misbehaved with the residents when they raised questions over demolition; BJP’s local councillor has gone incommunicado: Capt Shalini Singh

Captain Singh said, “At the Kargil Society of Dwarka where families of late Army officers and retired army officers stay there are some shops of ration, mother dairy and others.

Yesterday the Bharatiya Janata Party ruled MCD officials entered our society and tried to demolish those shops.

When the residents requested the officials to stop the demolition then they threatened us of the arrest. They misbehaved with us and talked very improperly.”

She said, “These shops were present in our society from the time when the society was established.

The shops were built because there are not many shops around the area and vulnerable people from various age groups stay in society.

The people and the residents of our society are in massive trouble. Our families have served this country with their blood and the Bharatiya Janata party which uses the name of the army but at the end of the day, insults their families.

Today we have lost our dignity because of the Bharatiya Janata party’s shameful act.”

She said, “We have called Bharatiya Janata party’s local Councillor Mrs Ritika Sharma several times but she’s not receiving or responding to our calls.

We are very helpless right now and we do not know how to solve this situation. But we are here demanding justice.

We demand that stringent action must be taken against the officials who have demolished these shops without any consultation with the residents.

We also demand that the Bharatiya Janata Party ruled MCD should immediately rebuild these demolished shops.”

Adding to this Mrs Kamala Chikara, the mother of martyr Lieutenant Ravinder Chikara said, “My son was martyred in July 2000. He was 24 years old. We came to live in the Kargil Society in 2006.

Earlier the atmosphere here was very good but now everything is spoiled. We walked out fearing that someone may falsely accuse us.

The mother of a martyr living in my neighbourhood is a kidney patient, but she could not have tea until this morning. I walked 1 km and brought them milk.

There are mothers of many martyrs who cannot walk and now they are upset with the closure of the shop. At the press conference, Mrs Bhavna Dwivedi, wife of Shaheed Major Chandra Bhushan Dwivedi, and Mrs Sarika Kapoor, wife of Shaheed Major Shiv Kapur were also present.

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